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Gambling Facts and Fictions
Realities of the Gambling Industry
Gambling Facts and Fictions: The Anti-Gambling Handbook to get yourself to stop gambling, quit gambling or never start gambling
Copyright © 2004
 by Stephen Katz
ISBN: 1418472409
Library of Congress: 2004094023
Realities of the Gambling Industry
Chapter 1

Welcome to the real world of gambling. This book thoroughly covers the anti-gambling facts about casinos, horse racetracks, sports betting, stock market trading, internet gambling websites, card games, bingo parlors, gambling machines, lotteries and more. In this book the businesses that comprise these types of gambling are referred to as the "gambling industry." The gambling industry besides using the word "gambling" will use a variety of different names to describe what they are and do. They often call what they are and do by names such as "gaming" or "games of chance." They must feel that these names are more appealing than the word "gambling." They use these different names and other ways to convey good feelings and positive thoughts about themselves. But that does not change what they are and do. What they are and do is gambling. There are not any good feelings or positive thoughts about the gambling industry in this book.   

The practice of the gambling industry is to take as much money, credit and assets from their customers as quickly and often as possible. They have been very successful at this practice. They acquire huge profits from this practice. The huge profits from this practice are in direct proportion to the huge losses suffered by their customers. This practice of the gambling industry poses a problem for everyone who patronizes them. All customers of the gambling industry have a gambling problem. The problem is only a matter of degree. This book is here to help you solve or prevent this problem.  

When discussing and using the word "gambling" or similar words that can be related to gambling such as betting, wagering, playing, etc., this book is referring to the type of gambling offered by the gambling industry. You will get to understand this type of gambling the way it is in reality, not the way you are told it is by the gambling industry and their friends. For many years the gambling industry and their friends through many ingenious methods have lured people into gambling. They entice people to gamble by devising clever advertising and promotional schemes. They conspire to distort the reality of gambling with devious fictional spins. Your being able to recognize these schemes and spins serves as a warning not to be influenced by them. Once these schemes and spins are fully understood then you should choose never to be a customer of any gambling business.

You will find a chapter or chapters on specific gambling interests. Many gamblers have the fictional belief that money can be made at gambling with systems, skill, handicapping, luck or other different ways. There are many factual examples showing precisely the reasons why gamblers do not make money. You will finally learn the real reasons why making money at gambling will never happen. There is much more to learn about the gambling industry than just knowing that they have a mathematical odds advantage. A major goal of this book is to provide gamblers with powerful knowledge about the realities of gambling in order to lose the desire and extinguish any urge for it. Also a major goal is to provide teenagers and adults who have never gambled with the same powerful knowledge in order to never start gambling. Once this knowledge is obtained then you should choose never to participate in these gambling activities.

A gambling business is commonly referred to as a gambling "house." The gambling house odds advantage against you is referred to as the "house edge." This book provides insight as to the destructiveness of gambling house odds. You will get to understand this house edge in a new light. The purpose is to totally convince you that there is not any chance to win money today, tomorrow or ever. There are other convincers throughout the book as well. Especially on gambling such as blackjack, horse racing, sports betting, stock market trading and others whereby the belief is that someday you could possibly become skilled enough to win money. Once you are thoroughly convinced that winning money at any type of gambling is completely hopeless, then you should lose the desire for it. If you are a young person, you should lose the desire to ever start any type of gambling.

As previously stated the gambling industry, especially casinos, refers to their gambling as "games of chance." This term is completely false. With all of the gambling this book discusses, there is not any chance of permanently winning money with the lone exception of hitting on a super jackpot. For the gambling industry, permanently winning money on their gambling is an absolute sure thing without any risk. They only lose when people do not gamble. Otherwise they are guaranteed to win and you are guaranteed to lose.

It is impossible to win money at gambling and many gamblers may already realize this fact. But tens of millions of gamblers have to reprogram their thinking because of still trying to win money despite knowing that the gambling house odds are against them. In addition to these gamblers, millions of innocent young people each year are pondering a first gambling opportunity. Many of these young people do not fully understand how the gambling house odds are against them. This book is here for everyone to reprogram your thinking about gambling. One of the first lessons that you were taught as a child before going outside is never to play in traffic. Not listening would get you injured or killed when hit by a car. This book is here to teach you that gambling is letting your money play in traffic. Applying the knowledge of this book means that you will never allow your money to play in traffic.

There are many reasons why people gamble. A major reason to gamble is simply waking up in the morning and feeling that today could be a lucky day at gambling. You may have lost a lot of money gambling in the past but are thinking that today could be lucky. Truly that lucky day in gambling will never come. Even if making a lot of money gambling in a day or particular time period, that does not matter as far as permanently increasing your money and assets. That does not help you because you will always gamble back the winning money and then lose more. Gamblers normally do not quit gambling after winning money because they want to gamble more. So they windup losing more, maybe not today but someday soon. A lucky day in gambling is an illusion that does not exist. There never is a lucky day in gambling whereby money is permanently won. The only exception to this would be the extremely rare event of hitting a super jackpot. The best example of this being a lottery for millions of dollars. The folly of chasing after super jackpots is discussed in other chapters.

Another reason to gamble is the hope of getting a winning streak going. There is not any such thing as a winning streak in gambling. The reality of gambling is that you are always on a losing streak interrupted in short-term streaks by the times when winning. But these times when winning do not last because it is impossible for them to last. Your starting gambling today would be continuing a losing streak even if you temporarily win. The losing streak only ends when the gambling ends. More reasons why people gamble is discussed in other chapters.

Picture a large, lavish, luxurious casino where you may have gambled. Marvel at the pompous post parade and big purses at the horse racetrack where you may have wagered. Be awed by the advertising and marketing volume of stock brokerage firms where you may have traded stocks. Gaze at the beautiful new custom Cadillac bought by a bookie with whom you may have placed sports bets. Gamblers can sarcastically congratulate themselves because gambling paid for all of that. Even just one video poker machine in a neighborhood tavern represents an owner who is making a lot of money from gamblers. The owners who control gambling live like kings by taking hard-earned or inherited money from gamblers. Gamblers end up not owning a nice home or better home, nice car or better car and other nice things in life that money can buy.

If all people permanently quit gambling today, there surely would not be any concern that rich gambling industry owners will become destitute. They have already made billions of dollars. They and their future generations of children can live happily ever after. Most employees of the gambling industry are smart, hard-working people who can find better jobs with good companies. Everyone will be much better off having employees from the gambling industry instead working for businesses that benefit society. People currently employed by the gambling industry can be proud when one day they are not employed by an industry that is strictly a societal parasite, sucking lifeblood money from gamblers and often sucking out too much which destroys people’s lives.

This book presents the facts and fictions of gambling. It depicts the truth about the gambling industry towards their customers. Its intention is to make gambling feel so unattractive that you will be repulsed and therefore avoid it. Gambling should be repulsive because of what it does to your money and life. Allow yourself to gain the knowledge and follow the guidance of the book. Then get yourself to lose the desire to be a customer of the gambling industry.

The major goal of this book is for you to stop gambling, quit gambling or never start gambling. It strives for success in doing this. The book will only fail if you do not allow it to succeed. But you must allow it to succeed. The act of gambling is an adrenaline rush thrill that is too expensive for anyone to maintain. Whatever is the amount of gambling, you cannot afford it. If thinking that you can afford gambling losses then you must think otherwise. It is important not to throw away money. Grasping and applying the information of this book provides you with the strength to throw away gambling.